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Perseverance rover saw "dust devil" on Mars

The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has reported that the Perseverance rover has captured a swirl of dust on the Red Planet.

The so-called dust devil (Dust Devil) came into view of one of the cameras onboard the rover. The vortex can be seen moving near the Martian surface in the area of ​​the Jezero crater.

The Dust Devil walked past the rover, as seen in the released video (see below). Unfortunately, NASA did not specify the size of the vortex and the speed of its movement.

It should be noted that the dust devil on Mars was first photographed back in the 1970s during the Viking program implemented by NASA. The size of such vortices can be large enough to harm automated stations. But this time everything worked out, and Perseverance did not suffer in any way.

We add that Perseverance made a successful landing on the Red Planet on February 18 this year. This technically sophisticated vehicle carries seven scientific instruments to study the surface of Mars in the Jezero crater area. In addition, the rover received several cameras and two microphones for sound recording.

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