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PP: Borrell must publish the agreement with Venezuela to observe elections

PP: Borrell must publish the agreement with Venezuela to observe elections

The secretary of International of the PP, Valentina Martínez, has asked this Thursday the high representative of the EU for Foreign Policy, Josep Borrell, to publish the memorandum with the conditions agreed with the Nicolás Maduro regime to allow the performance of a mission of Election observation (EOM) of the EU in the next elections in Venezuela.

In statements to Efe, Martínez has raised this requirement after Borrell described as obsolete the report of the foreign services of the European Commission in which they advise against sending an observation mission to Venezuela because the necessary conditions for its proper functioning are not met .

The report, prepared at Borrell's request by EU experts last July, indicated that sending an EOM would have an adverse impact on the reputation and credibility of EU observers and indirectly legitimize Venezuela's electoral process planned for the local and regional elections on November 21.

As explained by the high representative himself, the report leaked this week is "outdated" since "it cites a series of conditions that would have to be met and that at that time were not yet met, but that after several negotiations with Venezuelan authorities those conditions were comply ".

If so, Borrell must make public the agreement that he has reached with the Maduro regime, that he publishes the memorandum: what has been the update, what conditions have been agreed upon and what has varied so much as to be able to send a mission with the minimum guarantees, Martinez stressed.

The PP spokesperson has also considered it shameful that Borrell has accused opponents Juan Guaidó and Leopoldo López of wanting to dynamite the observation mission by questioning its usefulness based on the report of Borrell's own team.

It is regrettable and shameful that Borrell is trying to muddy the playing field and directly questions Guaidó, the person that the EU itself recognizes as interim president, which he is until a clean presidential election is held, he said.

Finally, Martínez has regretted that the Citizens' parliamentarians have voted against the high representative appearing before the European Parliament to explain his decision to ignore the report and send a mission that is born with many suspicions.

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