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David Amess, father of five children and with four decades of political career

David Amess, father of five children and with four decades of political career

David Amess, the Eurosceptic "Tory" MP stabbed to death this Friday during a meeting with voters, He was one of the oldest MPs in the House of Commons, in which he had held a seat since 1983.

Deceased aged 69, Amess represented the Southend West constituency for the Conservative Party in the Lower House, where in recent decades noted for her "pro-life" stance in the 1997 abortion legislation debates and for his early public defense of the United Kingdom's departure from the European Union (EU).

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Before the 2016 Brexit referendum, he expressed his preference for breaking with the EU bloc, even though the moderate wing of the Conservative Party and much of the London political establishment advocated permanence.

Since then, he has been part of the "Leave Means Leave" campaign, which during the years that the negotiations with Brussels lasted to define the terms of Brexit put pressure for the United Kingdom to leave not only the EU, but also the community market, the customs union and other European bodies.

On his official website, MP "Tory" it emphasized that its main areas of interest in politics were "animal welfare" and "pro-life" measures.

One of the achievements during his political career of which he was most proud was the passage in 1988 of a law against cruelty in the treatment of animals, which required farmers to avoid the "unnecessary suffering" of beasts.

It also played an important role in the passage of legislation against energy poverty in 2000, which allowed the number of households that could not afford energy bills in the United Kingdom to rise from 5.1 million in 1996 to 1.2 million eight years later.

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Amess was born in the English town of Plaistow, which in 1965 was absorbed as one of the northeast London suburbs under the name Newham.

Catholic upbringing, like her parents, James and Maud Amess, studied Economics and Governance at Bournemouth University. He worked as a teacher in an elementary school for one year (1970-1971) and later went through the banking and consulting sector.

He first stood for election in 1979 for the Newham North West constituency, but on that occasion the Labor Party retained a seat that traditionally he had been reluctant to vote for the Conservatives.

He was appointed as a district councilor in London in 1982 and a year later he was elected for the first time as an MP in the British Parliament for the Basildon constituency, east of the British capital, a seat that he successfully defended in the next two general elections. , 1987 and 1992.

In 1995, faced with a change in the distribution of English constituencies, he began to represent Southend West, the district in which he was assassinated today while talking to voters.

In recent years, Amess had focused his activity on various committees of the House of Commons, including Health, from which he dealt with issues such as the obesity epidemic in the United Kingdom.

In 2017 he was involved in a controversy when he published a statement in which he questioned the accusations of sexual assault against the American Harvey Weinstein, which he called "dubious, to say the least."

Faced with the uproar, the deputy retracted hours later and assured that the statement had been sent by his assistants in parliament without his "authorization."

Only three serving members of the House of Commons are older than Amess: his party mate Peter Bottomley, who arrived in 1975, and Labor Barry Sheeramn (1979) and Harriet Harman (1982).

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