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Former President Bill Clinton was hospitalized for an infection

Former President Bill Clinton was hospitalized for an infection

Former US President Bill Clinton is recovering from an infection at a hospital in California. According to his doctors, the episode is not related to Covid-19.

Former US President Bill Clinton was hospitalized at the University of California Irvine Medical Center, the hospital reported Thursday.

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Clinton “received treatment for an infection not related to covid. He is in recovery and in good spirits, "said a statement released by the team of the 75-year-old former president (1993-2001).

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The statement reported that Clinton was hospitalized Tuesday night. The medical center did not offer additional details about the hospitalization, but the spokesman for the former president released another statement signed by the doctors in charge of Clinton.

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The former president “was diagnosed with an infection. He was admitted to follow him closely and administer antibiotics and intravenous fluids ”, detailed the text signed by Drs. Alpesh Amin and Lisa Bardack.

"After two days of treatment, his white blood cell count is decreasing and he is responding well to antibiotics," the text added.

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The doctors are in contact with Clinton's medical team, they reported through their spokesperson.

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"We hope to send him home soon," they concluded, without offering discharge forecasts.

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