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Merkel says Europe must stand together and avoid extremism

Merkel says Europe must stand together and avoid extremism

The outgoing German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has proclaimed this Thursday that "only a united Europe is a strong Europe" and has warned that the EU "will end up having problems" if it does not stop extremism and national interests that oppose greater community sovereignty . In the final stretch as chancellor after 16 years, Merkel has collected, from the hands of Felipe VI, the XIV Carlos V European Award at the Yuste Monastery (Cáceres) for her contribution and commitment to the EU. The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and that of the PP, Pablo Casado, attended the ceremony to show their recognition of a figure who, according to the king, will go down in "the history of the EU with capital letters" for having represented "the spirit of the best united Europe ". 24 happenings 24 happenings The church of the compound where Carlos I of Spain and V of Germany (1500-1558) is buried has been the scene of the award ceremony granted since 1995 by the European and Ibero-American Academy of Yuste Foundation. In his farewell to Spain, the 67-year-old German politician has made a pro-European plea for the EU to have weight in the world against other powers. "Only a united Europe is a strong Europe, and that comes from common values. United inward, strong outward. This is the motto of the coexistence of the EU," he stressed. Faced with "centrifugal forces" that threaten community cohesion, especially in crisis contexts, Merkel has declared: "When national interests in the short and medium term take precedence over the common European challenge or the legal basis, we will end up having problems." Merkel has encouraged European leaders to "act with only one", to be "persevering" and for the EU to be "more independent and sovereign" to counter the hegemony of countries like China and assert their interests. Also to vindicate its principles of "cooperation, respect and tolerance", being "the basis of its credibility." Faced with the threats posed by "extremism, terrorism, racism or anti-Semitism," it has called for "fighting them with the greatest determination." In the Chancellor's opinion, the peace and history forged in Europe in recent decades "cannot be taken for granted." "On the contrary, they must be protected and defended. We do not have the guarantee of lasting freedom and peace (...) Europe is fortunate for all that it must be preserved," he declared. 24 happenings In economic terms, the chancellor, defender in the previous crisis of austere measures, has assured that to face the recovery after the pandemic, European governments must have "solid public accounts" and undertake "provisions" to be prepared for future uncertainties. After handing her the statuette, Felipe VI praised the German leader for having "put commitment before confrontation" and fostered "consensus and balanced and constructive solutions" always "away from protagonism and extremes". "These are the reasons that today endow her with great respect and political authority. Her pragmatism and reliability have been a symbol of solidity in Europe and in the world. Few people can better represent the spirit of the unity of Europe," said the monarch 24 happenings The head of state has not spared praise for an "exceptional woman" for her world leadership, for the legacy she leaves, as well as for her "tenacity and perseverance" in all the crises she has faced. "These last 16 years of leadership so personal, so special, will go down in history with capital letters of the EU and the international order," summarized Don Felipe. In the winners of the Carlos V European Prize there are historical figures such as the German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Mijaíl Gorbachev or Jacques Delors, the first to achieve it, in addition to the former President of the Government Felipe González and the former Minister Javier Solana, present at the event. 24 happenings 24 happenings After the ceremony, Sánchez had lunch with Merkel in the monastery, after joining in the praise of her figure through social networks. "Thank you, Angela, for your work over the years, for your support and effort to build a more united and caring EU," said Sánchez, in his critical day with the way the Foreign Minister fought the 2008 crisis. The award ceremony, which could not be celebrated on May 9, Europe Day, due to the pandemic, has coincided with the announcement of the agreement between the Government and the PP to renew several constitutional bodies, except the judiciary. After months of estrangement, Sánchez and Casado have shaken hands upon their arrival in Yuste and have conversed in a relaxed manner with the president of the General Council of the Judiciary, Carlos Lesmes, whose mandate expired more than two years ago. 24 happenings

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