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Protests in Italy that apply the health pass to work from today

Protests in Italy that apply the health pass to work from today

- Italy applies from today the obligation to present the health pass to enter the workplace, which consists of the anticovid vaccination or a negative test, something that most companies have accepted while in some sectors, such as carriers or the longshoremen have announced strikes and protests.

The date of October 15 for the application of this measure had been announced for a long time, but tensions have accumulated in recent days, especially due to the refusal of the government of Mario Draghi that anticovid tests are free for workers who have decided not to get vaccinated.

24 happenings 24 happenings

The number of people vaccinated and recovered from the infection exceeds 90% and more than 80% of Italians have been vaccinated, but about 10% of workers have not been vaccinated and many protest at having to pay for the test, which costs 15 euros, every 48 hours.

They wait tensions especially in some ports such as Trieste, where stevedores have announced mobilizations that could cause a stop in the logistics sector since the percentage of unvaccinated employees is close to 40%.

"There are no blockades, whoever wants to work does it," Stefano Puzzer, leader of the protest against the health pass in the port of Trieste, announced to the media today, reducing the tensions that had been announced.

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Attention will also be paid today to how companies will manage absences derived from employees who do not access the workplace.

Public sector workers will be punished without pay the fifth day of absence for not presenting the health pass, while the private ones from the first day.

Several demonstrations and rallies have also been organized against the health certificate. The most important will be in Rome, where more than 1,000 agents have been mobilized after last weekend's altercations due to the infiltration of neo-fascists who stormed the headquarters of the CGIL union.

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