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The political class, led by Boris Johnson, condemns the murder of deputy David Amess

The political class, led by Boris Johnson, condemns the murder of deputy David Amess

The British political class, starting with the country's prime minister, Boris Johnson, has condemned the murder this Friday of the murder of conservative deputy David Amess, stabbed to death during an electoral meeting in the county of Essex, while from the House of Commons The need to reinforce the security of the occupants of the seats in both chambers, exhibited at this kind of event, has already been raised.

"My heart is full of dismay and sadness," Johnson said before describing the late MP as one of the "kindest and kindest" people in British politics.

"He was a man who passionately believed in this country and its future . We have lost a splendid public servant, and a very dear friend and colleague," he said in comments collected by Sky News.

House Speaker Lindsay Hoyle has declared himself " shocked and deeply affected" by the death of a "charming man, devoted to his family, parliamentary activity and his constituency" in Southend West.

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Hoyle has warned that this murder is going to generate "a shock wave" throughout the country, and has asked that "in the coming days the security situation of the deputies be discussed, as well as the measures to be taken" in this regard.

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As the flags of Parliament have begun to fly at half mast, prominent political figures like Scotland's Chief Minister Nicola Sturgeon have also gone beyond condolences to remind themselves that "in a democracy, politicians must be accessible and open. to the scrutiny, but no one deserves to have their life taken while they work and represent their constituents. "

Indeed, Amess himself asked British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in March to commit to ensuring that stab crime was reduced following the murder of 18-year-old Luke Bellfield in his constituency, after receiving several stab wounds nearby. from your home.

Former prime ministers such as John Major or Theresa May have condemned the murder of Amess in what the former president described as "a tragic day for democracy ", statements to which members of the British Government have begun to join pending a statement. prime minister's officer.

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"I am heartbroken," lamented the British Deputy Prime Minister, Dominic Raab, as also stated by the Health Minister, Sajid Javid, who has declared himself "devastated" by the attack.

"Horrible and deeply shocking news," commented Labor opposition leader Keir Starmer. "My thoughts are directed to David, his family and his staff," he said on his Twitter account.

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The Prime Minister's wife, Carrie Johnson, also added to the condolences. " Absolutely devastating news about Sir David Amess, an enormously kind and good man. A great lover of animals and a true gentleman. This is completely unfair. My thoughts are with his wife and children," he said.

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