The Last of Us is a highly-anticipated HBO series based on the popular 2013 PlayStation video game. The show follows the story of Joel, played by Pedro Pascal, and his daughter Sarah, played by Nico Parker, in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies caused by a deadly pandemic. In the series premiere, we see the tragic death of Sarah during a desperate escape from her home with her father and uncle.
Nico Parker, the 18-year-old daughter of Westworld star Thandiwe Newton and director Ol Parker, spoke to Yahoo Entertainment about her role in the series. She revealed that one of the most challenging aspects of playing Sarah was not revealing her fate to the audience too early. "I didn't want to treat every moment like it was the most important moment, especially because it's kind of like the beginning," Parker explains. "You're seeing a way more regular version of life, and I didn't want you to feel, 'Just wait 'til you see what happens!' I wanted it to feel day-to-day."
The actress also shared her close bond with her on-screen father, Pedro Pascal, and her favorite memories from the shoot. She also mentions that she didn't play the original video game before joining the cast of the show.
The Last of Us is a must-watch for fans of post-apocalyptic and zombie genre, with strong performances and well-written script. The series explores the human cost of a devastating pandemic and takes the audience on an emotional journey. Don't miss out on watching the show, tune in to HBO to catch the latest episodes.
The Last of Us is a highly-anticipated HBO series based on the popular 2013 PlayStation video game. The show follows the story of Joel and his daughter Sarah in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies caused by a deadly pandemic. In the series premiere, we see the tragic death of Sarah during a desperate escape from her home with her father and uncle. Nico Parker, who plays Sarah, shared her experience of playing the role and her bond with her on-screen father Pedro Pascal. The Last of Us is a must-watch for fans of the post-apocalyptic and zombies genre, with strong performances and well-written script. Watch the latest episodes on HBO.
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