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Hong Kong launches Bitcoin and Ethereum mining from Powerbridge Technologies

Hong Kong launches Bitcoin and Ethereum mining from Powerbridge Technologies

launch company Power crypto Holdings or Powercrypto Holdings, a subsidiary of the software provider Blockchain Powerbridge Technologies, cryptocurrency mining in Hong Kong, especially Bitcoin (BTC) And Ethereum (ETH).

These cryptocurrency operations will use green, green and sustainable energy, as the announcement was made in a press release on Friday 8 October 2021.

Powercrypto Holdings is a growth-driven technology company, primarily engaged in solutions SaaS and apps Blockchain.

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Cryptocurrency mining launched in Hong Kong

company planning Powerbridge Technologies To publish a total of 2.600 High performance mining platform in Hong Kong, including 600 A Bitcoin miner that runs at a hash rate of about 60 PH/ a second.

It also includes 2.000 mining machine for Ethereum, with an average hash power of approx 1.000 GH/ a second.

According to the advertisement, it aims to Believe it or not To increase hash rate levels Bitcoin And Ethereum Throughout the North American and Asian markets, the company's General Manager and CTO said, Sen Wang Sean Wang |:

“PowerCrypto is a major strategic move by the company to highlight our global presence in the crypto mining business.

We will focus on enhancing the overall rate of cannabis in mining Bitcoin AndEthereum By establishing mining fleets in North America and Asia.”

The company plans to focus on maximizing the use of clean, carbon-neutral energy, the president of Powerbridge Technologies commented Stuart Lowe Stewart Lor saying:

“We are very excited about our launch and positioning as a global presence in the cryptocurrency mining business. We expect our high-performance, environmentally friendly crypto-mining fleets to significantly increase our revenue.”

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Powercrypto Holdings: A subsidiary of Powerbridge Technologies

founded Powerbridge Technologies، Powercrypto Holdings its new Singapore-based subsidiary for its crypto-mining and digital asset operations, late last month.

where you focus Powercrypto on green, renewable energy mining farms with their intended operations worldwide.

The announcement states that the subsidiary is striving to become one of the largest mining companies in the world Bitcoin And Ethereum competitive.

announced Powercrypto days before the appointment Sin X Wang Sean X. Wang General Manager and Chief Technology Officer of the company.

Mr. . has also been brought wang, he is an expert Blockchain, to lead the operations and technology development of the company's crypto mining business.

He is said to have extensive experience in mining and digital asset operations, having managed and operated mining fleets with nearly forty thousand mining rigs. Bitcoin And Ethereum.

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Cryptocurrency in Hong Kong

Hong Kong It has played a crucial role in the history of cryptocurrency, and is the birthplace of some of the largest crypto companies in the world and Tether was also launched Tether It is the largest stable currency in the world.

Hong Kong It is an urban area and a special administrative region in China. Therefore, unfavorable regulations have affected the digital asset space in the region.

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